
Complementing the existing community


We believe that Phase 2B of Kings Barton will deliver promised new homes and excellent amenities to the community whilst creating a distinctive sense of place.

Phase 2B provides opportunities to shape the heart of the community, and the design development has ensured this new phase will complement and nestle into the wider Kings Barton community.

Much care has been put into the proposals, and we hope they are as exciting to you as they are to us. Please share your thoughts on the proposals with the team through the ‘Have Your Say’ portion of the website; we are keen to hear your views and take them onboard as the scheme takes its next steps.


Circa 200 beautifully designed new homes set around a central park and amongst a green network of new planting
Of the 200 new homes, 42% will be affordable
An excellent range of homes and apartments to reflect local need, from one- to four bedrooms, designed to be in keeping with the earlier phases of the King’s Barton development
New public green space, recreation ground and sports pitches, bringing new amenities to the local community
A new Park & Ride (agreed under planning conditions) into Winchester City Centre to support sustainable transport and reduce congestion on local roads
New pedestrian pavements and connections to the wider Kings Barton community
A comprehensive Urban Wildlife Strategy, delivering biodiversity-supporting features such as swift nesting features, bat roosting features and invertebrate bricks.

Looking for more details?

Enter our virtual exhibition to view more detailed plans