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We propose to provide a mix of homes delivered as apartments and houses. Given the location close to the Neighbourhood Centre, the scheme will be apartment-led which will include 1 and 2-bed apartments. The houses will include a range of one, two, three and four bedrooms.

The affordable homes will be delivered as apartments and houses.

Phase 1 of Kings Barton is complete and occupied and Phase 2A is the next Phase to be completed. Subject to Reserved Matters planning permission, we hope that construction could begin on Phase 2B in 2023/2024.

The new sports pitches and recreation space will be transferred to Winchester City Council for management by the council.

The bespoke Park & Ride will have 200 car parking spaces.

One car parking space will be provided for each apartment, and two parking spaces will be provided for each house plus visitor spaces.

Cala operates a fabric-first carbon saving policy, which exceeds current building regulation requirements. Cala passionately believes that housing delivery and biodiversity enhancements are not mutually exclusive and as an overarching approach, all developments will follow Cala’s Urban
Wildlife Strategy which means every home will have bird nesting features, specialist hedgehog fencing, bat boxes or bat roosting tiles and native tree planting.

Kings Barton has been designed as a 21 st century sustainable community, in which many services, including primary school education, a nursery, food store, and community facilities are provided within walking distance of homes. A planning application for the Neighbourhood Centre will follow the
submission of the Reserved Matters application for the 2B parcel.