CALA Homes is seeking your feedback on proposals for phase 2B of Kings Barton
Kings Barton will be a 21st century sustainable community for Winchester, providing 2,000 new homes alongside retail and community uses and social and recreational infrastructure.

Multiple Phases
Due to the complexity of bringing forward a new community, Kings Barton is being delivered in phases. As you may be aware, Phase 1 of the development is complete and occupied and Phase 2a is currently on site. Phase 3a received reserved matters consent at the end of 2022. We are now therefore bringing forward plans for Phase 2B of the development.

On this website, you’ll find information about the Phase 2B proposals and Cala Homes along with a virtual exhibition showcasing the project exhibition boards, a host of FAQs and an online feedback form so you can have your say.
The public exhibition was held on 1 February 2023 between 4pm and 8.30pm. This virtual consultation presents the same information and allows residents to feedback directly via the online feedback form. The consultation will be open for a period of two weeks and will close at 5pm on 16 February 2023.
Beautiful, Open and Connected
Phase 2B of the Kings Barton Development is the next stage in connecting the current phases together and bringing homes to the heart of the new neighbourhood. Following the successful public consultation in October 2022 which focused on the Neighbourhood Centre uses, Cala is pleased to hold its next public consultation which will focus on the residential homes and open spaces within the 2B parcel.
This includes a mix of houses and apartments appropriate to its location around the neighbourhood centre and public open spaces.